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PS - Manager Assistance Program (MAP)

Manager Assistance Program (MAP)

Managers experience new challenges daily and may have to make difficult decisions that affect their employees.

Our Manager Assistance Program (MAP) is an essential component of our employee assistance services, designed to support workplace managers and supervisors across Australia. It assists with issues such as:

  • Concerns about an employee's fitness for work
  • Organisational change management
  • Handling difficult behaviours
  • Workload management
  • Addressing poor mental health in the team
  • Stress management techniques

Our senior psychologists provide friendly and caring support focused on providing practical solutions. 

Appointments are available at short notice to provide managers/supervisors with the advice they need to respond to an issue. We get to know our clients and the culture of the organisation so we can ensure the advice is tailored for every client. 

Benefits of our Manager Assistance Program:

  • Can provide managers with confidence, peace of mind, and enhanced leadership skills. All these attributes support the manager and their current and future staff.    
  • Is delivered by our senior psychologists experienced in supporting a positive organisational culture.
  • Educates managers on the key attributes shared by successful people managers. 

Offers guidance on how managers can best support teams by providing a safe working environment, communicating effectively, monitoring the health and welfare of their team, addressing performance issues appropriately, and operating within your organisations’ WHS/OHS policies.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Manager Assistance Program can assist in answering any questions you have. You may not know how to respond to a staff member when they have a difficult request. Delivering bad news to an employee can be difficult to do and take an emotional toll. Knowing how to word it and deal with the outcome of the conversation can help. 
Trust is an essential element of this process. PeopleSense Psychology and Wellbeing by Altius is always concerned about client and employee privacy, as such confidentiality is guaranteed. No personal details or issues raised during the counselling sessions will be communicated to another party without the consent of the employee, except in cases where there is concern for an individual’s safety and wellbeing.
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