CIM Employment demonstrates an elevated level of flexibility and understanding when it comes to the delivery of our services. Our highly qualified and supportive team does not solely focus on a person’s mutual obligation requirements with Centrelink. We deliver our services and support with a high degree of empathy and flexibility.
Evidence based research highlights that for Job Seekers to succeed in finding and keeping work, employment preparation and training interventions must incorporate more than practical job search skills. It must also support psychological and physical well-being, resilience, and confidence.
Our clients have access to a wide range of training and work readiness activities to improve their employability and job searching effectiveness. Our program of support is built upon a foundation of trust and connection with our clients to maximise engagement and collaboration.
Prior to a client applying for jobs that may not be suitable for, their Employment Consultant will take into consideration their personal values and other factors which will assist in the development of a tailored employment pathway. For example, if our client values flexibility to help them manage their family requirements, or cultural requirements, a job with set hours or in-flexible working locations may not be a good fit.
Many clients that are considered long-term unemployed have varied and often complex barriers that limit their ability to successfully find and maintain employment. Identifying these barriers is not always an easy task. Our Employment Consultants utilise coaching skills, asking engaging questions and listening with intent, which allows us to gather information about the challenges faced by our clients. This allows our service to engage in discussions regarding the client’s beliefs while providing the opportunity to switch them from a negative frame – e.g. “There aren’t any jobs” to a positive re-frame, e.g. “I just haven’t found the right job for me yet” which assists with maintaining an important level of engagement and motivation on their journey towards employment.
CIM Employment’s Employment Consultants focus on identifying a client’s strengths and highlighting their individual positive qualities. This is extremely important as it allows the client to know their personal work-related strengths and how to demonstrate them in a job interview and when in employment.
Our Employment Consultants actively engage with our clients by exploring tailored education and employment pathways to help establish a clear employment goal that aligns with the client’s vision for themselves. This allows the client and their Employment Consultant to actively collaborate with developing activities and tasks to be completed which will assist the employment goal being achieved.
Our clients are provided with the tools and confidence to actively improve their employability by studying, applying for jobs, and marketing themselves directly to local employers. We ensure our clients feel confident with their Resume and Cover Letter and are fully prepared to attend job interviews. The previous four steps allow our clients to develop their confidence and self-esteem, which is a critical part of the journey to employment.
CIM Employment clients feel empowered and respected which ensures they are ready to achieve their employment goals.
Register your interest today - to seek support from our caring and professional staff at CIM Employment to achieve your Employment Goal
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